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Oct 31, 2007

Not a Observation...well this is a user observation

The ads to the right and below my blogs belong to me, they will most likely change with each new post, to try and find something relevent. It is an experiment and a small cash making scheme by me. I want to see how it will react to the different topics made by me, but also it is because I am a poor college student who needs to make money anyway possible, so visit the ads, I don't know how exactly it works, either by clicks or by something else, but either way I would like to give it a try...i mean it works for news corp. with myspace.

so ya, support a poor college student who writes random things

also, there may be some other writers on this site, Night Fox, and Delphiki. These are obviously writer's names, but they may provide some other perspectives, debate my posts, and hopefully, I can get a couple more writers, I have a couple more I am trying to get to join this post. But I am the only writer who will definately, at least until finals, write everyday, all the others will add when they have time

that is it for today, I promise


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